Friday, November 03, 2006

Ho! Ho! How?!

Over lunch today, my wife and I agreed it was time to start making the holiday list -- though both of us wonder how in the world it's that time of year again.

So, rather than brooding about the impending rush, I decided to check a few resources that can kickstart some fun into the holiday prep -- especially since we'll all have some time off in the next two months to be with family.

Sometimes I like to find a game or craft or recipe for which I get all the stuff together and then surprise the family. The girls love the unepxected fun, and sometimes my wife appreciates a little time "off" if it's something I can do with the girls on my own.

So, in honor of the upcoming Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, I went digging for some good inspiration.

FamilyFun magazine offers a lot of really great creative inspiration for games, arts and crafts, recipes for cooking with kids and printable activity sheets. Check out their Thanksgiving page for a good mix of it all, including a fun approach to family flag football.

Kaboose offers some good ideas for any holiday, as does Childfun.

And, LEGO families behold: a family building activities booklet that gives inspiration for using your LEGO collection to turn ordinary games into extraordinary fun. Or, get building instructions to create a holiday hearth, sleigh or Christmas tree.

Come on, dads! Jump in and get creative. Have some fun. Make some memories.


At 2:06 AM, Blogger Creative-Type Dad said...

Man, I resist doing anything 'Christmas related' until AFTER Thanksgiving (the way it was in the old-days pre-1998).

Fun ideas though. I'll take a look on Black Friday when I usually go into panic mode thinking how in the world are we going to get everything done in 4 weeks.

At 4:18 PM, Blogger mommyof2 said...

You are very thoughtful person & a great dad.. You family is so lucky to have you..

And thanks for posting the links for activites.. I think I will do few things this season too since my son is old enough to enjoy all the holidays:-)


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