Thursday, July 20, 2006

Tender Moments

I just hit the road on what amounts to almost two weeks straight of business travel, and was lucky enough to take with me one of those awesome moments we parents are lucky enough to receive that make all the chaos, stress and frustration of parenting disappear in a flash.

My wife gave the girls a bath the other night while I was packing. Afterward, she brought out their wish dolls -- special little stuffed fairy dolls that have a little pouch where they can write down a wish, roll it up and put it in the fairy's bag until it comes true.

Skylar asked my wife how to write "I wish my daddy didn't ever have to go away on trips."

So my heart melted and a tear came to my eye. This is the stuff parenting is made for.

Fiona wished she would have a wiggly tooth like her sister.

I'll take one out of two all the way to the bank.


At 4:05 PM, Blogger mommyof2 said...

awwww.. precious. She poured all her feelings & love for you in that one line(wish). I hope her wish comes true.


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